Baki is a Netflix Original anime based on the manga Baki The Grappler. Already a popular franchise before its arrival on Netflix, Baki has been entertaining fans for almost 30 years. The series has already fast become one of the most popular anime that Netflix has to offer subscribers.
Baki Hanma traveled the world to hone his skill as a fighter with the intent of being greater than his father as the world’s strongest martial artist. Five of death row’s most brutal and violent inmates are gathering in force to take on Baki with the hope that he will destroy them, having grown bored of their own strength and thus with life. To support their friend, martial artists that Baki has met on his journey join him to fight by his side in the world’s deadliest tournament.
When will it come out?
There’s no confirmation as of yet, but it would be expected that Baki could return to Netflix as soon as December 2020. Anyways it will come after the Japanese release of the first season of Baki. The series was broadcast weekly from June 25th, 2019 to December 16th, 2019.
The series eventually made its way to Netflix, but the delay was due to the number of dubs that needed to be completed. Notably, this is the first time an Original anime series has been released without providing of least one alternate dub to Japanese. If Netflix is to do the same for Part 4, then it will come out in December 2020.
What happens in this series?
Baki is an action-packed anime that tells the story of Baki Hanma, a young martial-arts prodigy with a dysfunctional relationship with his father, Yujiro.
Baki’s ultimate goal is to be strong enough to defeat his father, who is considered the world’s strongest man alive. In order to do this, Baki trains rigorously, day and night, fighting death row inmates, martial arts masters, and anything in between.
Part 3 was already filled with insane scenes but things are still peaking up. We can expect more intense episodes in part 4 as Baki and his father will finally face off.