In 2017, Epic games introduced the Battle Royale gaming mode for Fortnite. This development of game is inspired from other games like PUBG and H1Z1. It is available for free since its release. You can access them for free on PC, PS4, and XOne. Just like other games, in Fortnite battle royale game also has 100 players fighting. Each and every player starts their game with glider and harvesting tool. There has been some difference seen in the pickaxe. Battle royale pickaxe is quite different from save the world. In battle royale players can customize their axe. They can change it from the default pickaxe. The players can buy cosmetic tools for it.
What is a minty pickaxe?
Harvesting tools in the battle royale games are used to gather resources. These pickaxes can be used as a weapon. But these tools work better to gather the resources in the game. It also can work as a weapon which deals with 20 damage, if needed. These harvesting tools can be purchased through V-bucks. It can also be available as a reward from achieving tiers of the seasons. Very occasionally these we can get by completing challenges in the game.
How to avail the merry mint pickaxe in Fortnite?
This harvesting tool otherwise called the merry mint pickaxe can be availed from epic games account. You can redeem the code that you get playing Fortnite on. Fortnite site announced that the V-bucks cards are available in retailers now. Though some players claim that mint pickaxe code are available in local game stores in US. You can also buy V cards for $10 and get the codes. The moment you get the code you need to login into your Fortnite account. There you need to go the redeem section page. Sign into your account. Then write the code that you got from your card.
You need to have an 11.10 update of your game. Without this update you will not be able to get the pickaxe. After doing this, again go into your Fortnite account. There you will see an update that merry mint pickaxe is now added in your locker of cosmetics. This is the whole process of getting merry mint pickaxe in Fortnite.
Are we getting Minty pickaxe codes free this year?
Fortnite this year declared that V-bucks cards are available now. Players can buy them and redeem codes for pickaxe. But the fact that is minty pickaxe codes are free is wandering around the minds of the players. There can be seen some sites that claims to have a generator that will redeem free codes without any cost.
To get minty pickaxe codes is no less than a struggle. In this situation, there seems to have a working minty pickaxe codes generator. This generator helps in getting free codes. These codes can be obtained in PS4, Xbox One and iOS. But the truth of this fact is yet unknown. To get free codes is every players dream. However, you still can buy V-bucks card and enjoy your minty pickaxe.