Apple often amaze its customers with its latest iPhone series. Apart from offering the best features, the Ameican tech giant also surprises its customers by designing iPhone models with great looks and range. And this is the only reason why fans eagerly wait for new iPhone series. There are rumours that Apple is going to launch its latest iPhone on April 15, and the new iPhone will be called the iPhone 9 or the iPhone SE 2.
Previously, Apple launched iPhone SE and surprised the users with its low cost. Actually, Apple is known for manufacturing highly-priced iPhones, and nobody expects iPhones to come at a low price. But, as the news report suggests, this time, Apple will surprise its users by launching its latest iPhone 9 at a low price. There are reports that Apple is expected to price the iPhone 9 for $399 ( which is approximately 30,000 Rs).
Earlier, there was also a rumour that the new low-cost iPhone 9 will be launched on March 31, which then moved to April 5, but now it is rumoured to be launched on April 15, 2020.
Apart from the changes in the launch date of the phone, there were also some speculations about the name. The new iPhone will now be called the Apple iPhone 9 or iPhone SE2, but it is still not confirmed. Info leaked by case maker also suggests that Apple may call it just the iPhone SE (2020 generation).
Besides this, the features and design of the latest iPhone SE 2 have also been leaked. There are reports which suggest that the iPhone 9 is likely to have a design pretty much similar to the iPhone 8. It is expected to have an A13 Bionic chip in it. This chip was also used in in the iPhone 11 series. According to the rumors, the iPhone 9 may come in three different storage options 256GB, 128GB and,64GB.
Apart from offering great features, design, and display, this latest iPhone 9 will also give a tough competition to other smartphone brands OnPlus, Samsung, with its low price range.