Another Life is an American science fiction web television series created by Aaron Martin, and the executive producers are Chris Regina, Noreen Halpern, and Aaron Martin, for the global streaming application, Netflix. The series was premiered on 25 July 2019 consisting of 10 episodes, and it didn’t received much recognition and reaction from the viewers, and critics worldwide. However, the series, Another Life has been officially renewed for its second installment on October 2019.
Premise of Another Life
The story of Another Life revolved around a flying object that lands on the Earth, and grows like a crystal shell. A scientist namely, Eric Wallace employed by the United States of the America who failed to discover a way to contact the aliens. His wife, Captain Niko takes the spaceship along with other crew members to find out the origin of this artifact.
When will Another Life 2 premiere on Netflix?
Another Life has been renewed for its second season on October 2019, and the production was supposed to start from January 2020, but due to the pandemic outbreak of Covid-19 everything has been halted for a while. So, officially there is no release date set for the series, Another Life. We might expect it to release by the end of 2021, as the series required extensive VFX work which in time like pandemic is not possible. Fans have to wait for a while for another space ride and solving the mystery of an odd artifact.
What will be the story of Another Life 2?
The first season revolved around the mission to find out about the origin of a mysterious object on the surface of the Earth. Niko and her group went on a mission to contact the outsiders a.k.a. aliens to know more about the origin, and the other story that took place in the debut season was of Erik’s failure and raising his daughter alone. The story in the upcoming season will be interesting as the team will be in outer space communicating with the aliens and finding the origin. It is not officially revealed, but it’s anticipated.
Who will be in the cast of the second of Another Life?
The major cast from the debut season of Another Life will reprise their respective roles which includes, Katee Sachnoff, Selma Blair, Justin Chatwin, Samuel Anderson, Blu Hunt, Jake Abel, Tyler Hoechlin, JayR Tinaco, Elizabeth Ludlow, Lina Renna, Alex Ozerov, A.J. Rivera, Alexander Eling, Jessica Camacho, Barbara Williams, Chanelle Pelosa, and few others.