American Gods is an American fantasy drama television series created by Bryan Fuller and Michael Green for the channel network, Starz. The series is based on the novel of Neil Gaiman of the same title which was released in 2001. The debut season of American Gods was premiered on 30 April 2017. It was praised for its breathtaking visuals, excellent performance and engaging plot.
In May 2017, after a successful debut season, the series was renewed for its second season. American Gods season 2 was released on 10 March 2019. During the second week of the second season of American Gods, Starz renewed it for the third season.
When is it releasing?
American Gods have been renewed for the third instalment but the shooting for the third season hasn’t begun because of the pandemic outbreak of Covid-19. It is known that the third instalment will have ten episodes. We can expect American Gods season 3 to release by the fall or winter of the year 2021.
Plot of American Gods Season 3
The major plot of American Gods revolves around Shadowman who meets a strange man is known as Mr Wednesday after being released from prison. Soon, the duo finds themselves in a situation of conflict of Old Gods and New Gods, who grows stronger every day. Charles Eglee serves as the showrunner for the upcoming season of American Gods, and it would be interesting to see how the plot will unfold, and what interesting things we are yet to see.
Cast of American Gods Season 3
The cast for the third season of American Gods is not known yet, but it is anticipated that the major cast from the previous two seasons of the series will reprise their respective roles. They are as follows, Ricky Whittle, Ian McShane, Emily Browning, Yetide Badaki, Pablo Scheider, Orlando Jones, Crispin Glover, Gillian Anderson, Omid Abtahi, Mousa Krash, and few others. We might get to see new characters and faces in the upcoming season.