All American – an American sports drama TV show, created by April Blair. It was released on the 10th of October 2018, on The CW. This show is inspired by the life of an American football player Spencer Paysinger with Daniel Ezra in the prime role.
The story goes around – James, a rising football player who does the shift to a well-to-do Beverly Hills school with his coach’s guidance. He struggles hard to discover his footing as the present team is endangered by his coming.
When is the show’s Season 3 out?
The show’s seasons 1 and 2 were released in October 2018 and 2019. Thus if The CW tracks a similar pattern then season 3 is expected to return in October 2020. Nevertheless, given the stoppages prompted due to the coronavirus outbreak and shutdown, we are not sure that part 3 will come out this October. Lets’ wait a while more.
All American season 3 plot: What will happen?
Considering the earlier two seasons, the fans will get to view a few renowned characters showing their talent in this season as well. We could see
- Daniel Ezra as Spencer James,
- Taye Diggs as Coach Baker,
- Karimah Westbrook as Grace James, and
- Bre-Z as Tamia Coop.
- Jalyn Hall as Dillon,
- Chad Coleman as Corey,
- Michael Evans Behling as Jordan.
- Other talented casts also include –
- Samantha Logan as Olivia,
- Cody Christian as Asher,
- Greta Onieogou as Layla, and
- Monet Mazur as Laura.
What’s gonna happen in Season 3?
The last episode of All American part 2 was showcased like by The CW like – Billy takes a decision about his future that amazes everyone. And Layla to focus on trying to get Coop a trip for the summer but will not succeed. Asher gets an opportunity to enjoy this summer with his mother but will be hesitant to go.
Fans and all the viewers will get to watch the aftermath of several events that happened in the second season. As part 2 left with quite a few cliffhangers, thus, the opening scene of this 3rd season is expected to be action-packed.
Is the trailer out?
We can expect the new trailer in the month before its official release, so seeing this cancellation, we have to look at either September or October 2020.
Stay tuned for more interesting updates of “All American Season 3”.