All American is an American sports drama television series created by April Blair. The first season of the series debuted on the channel, The CW on 10 October 2018. All American is based and inspired by the life of the American professional footballer Spencer Paysinger.
The first season of the series received positive praises from the critics and audience although it wasn’t a big hit on the channel, The CW. The series, All American got renewed for the second season in April 2019 and it was released on 7 October 2019. After a successful second season of All American, The CW renewed it for the third season in January 2020.
The production was to start in February 2020, but due to the pandemic outbreak of Covid-19 it was halted. All American Season 3 is not arriving anytime soon in 2020. It is anticipated that it will release early in 2021 i.e, January. It is not setting in stone yet.
What will be the story in the upcoming season?
The final episode of All American Season 2 saw Billy making a decision about his future which surprised everyone, Asher still wondering if he should spend his summer with his mum or not, and Layla trying to convince Coop for a summer tour. The season ended on a note of cliff-hanger, and fans have many eager questions which will certainly solve in the upcoming third season. The third season of All American will have an interesting plot and will bring answers to all the questions.
Who will be in the cast of All American Season 3?
The second season of All American included all the major cast of the debut season reprising their roles, so, it is possible they will continue with their roles in the upcoming season. The cast is as follows, Daniel Ezra, Taye Diggs, Karimah Westbrook, Bre-Z, Jalyn Hall, Chad Coleman, Michael Evans Behling, Samantha Logan, Cody Christian, Greta Oneiugo, and Monet Mazur.