The Los Angeles police have arrested 5 suspects involved in abduction of Lady Gaga’s dogs. Gaga’s two French bull dogs, Koji and Gustav, were stolen on 24 February, when their dog walker took three of her French dogs for a walk. The dog walker, identified as Ryan Fischer, who was shot by thieves, and two of the dogs were stolen.
Today, the LA County District Attorney George Gascón released the names of the 5 suspects, who have been charged for their alleged roles in the shooting of Gaga’s dog walker. James Jackson (18), Jaylin White (19), and Lafayette Whaley (27) were involved with the robbery and shooting. The three have been arrested on suspicion of robbery and attempted murder.
They were accompanied by Harold White (40), and Jennifer McBride (50), who were allegedly “determined to be accessories after the initial crime”. McBride was the one who brought the dogs to the police. Both of them are being held on suspicion of accessory after the fact to attempted murder.
As per the LAPD press release, “McBride responded to the reward email to return the dogs. She ultimately brought the dogs to LAPD Olympic Station. Detectives were able to establish McBride had a relationship with the father of one of the suspects, Harold White… Detectives do not believe the suspects were targeting the victim because of the dogs’ owner.” However it also states, “evidence suggests the suspects knew the great value of the breed of dogs and was the motivation for the robbery.”
However, the detectives believe that the thieves did not attack Fischer because Gaga was the owner of the dogs. According to the reports, Fischer was walking Gaga’s three French bulldogs, when he was approached by two of the suspects. They demanded him to turn over the dogs and after a struggle, one of the suspects fired at him and they fled with two of the dogs. The third dog ran away but was later found.
Besides, Lady Gaga had put a reward worth $500,000 for her dogs to be returned. As per the police, McBride returned the dogs for the amount, claiming to have found the dogs, and brought them to the police station.